The Elgin Police Department’s K-9s are used to assist in the discovery of evidence, the apprehension of wanted individuals, search and rescue missions for lost and endangered persons, school searches, tracking, and much more.
Our K-9 officers attend a ten week training course with their K-9 partner and they are responsible for ensuring that training continues after this initial training so that they and their partner remain proficient. K-9 officers must know the capabilities of their K-9 partner and continually develop the dog’s senses. K-9 officers are also responsible for the daily grooming and well-being of their K-9 partner.
You will also see our K-9’s at many community events as they are always a popular request!

Officer Arnold
K-9 Chance
Chance’s birthday is January 21, 2021 and he was sworn in on June 26, 2021. Chance is funny, loving, and the star of the show where ever he goes! He has been utilized for crisis calls in Elgin, and all over the state.
K-9 Charm
Charm was born on June 4, 2024 and is Chance’s great niece. In September of 2024 she joined the department as our second therapy dog. She enjoys being held and building piles of shoes, blankets, and any other items she can get her paws on! Just four days into her career, she had her first assignment, helping to comfort students at one of Elgin’s schools. Charm is now in training and will be out in the community soon!

Officer Schuttrow
K-9 Rex
Rex was born on February 25, 2021 and after training, started at the department in June of 2021. Rex is trained in detection, obedience, apprehension, protection, narcotics detection, tracking, and article, area, and building searches.

Officer Brown
K-9 Zam
Zam was born on August 18, 2021 and after training, started at the department in June of 2023. Rex is trained in narcotics detection, cadaver detection tracking, and article, area, and building searches.
Officer Nisivaco
K-9 Ace
Ace was born on March 23, 2023 and after training, started at the department in August of 2024. Ace is trained in narcotics detection and article, area, and building searches.
Officer Young
K-9 Mac
Mac was born on June 14, 2023 and after training, started at the department in August of 2024. Mac is trained in narcotics detection and article, area, and building searches.